
Friday 23 November 2012

How much do you know about wireless@sg?

Dear readers, so how much do you really know about wireless@sg? It's part of the Next Generation National Infocomm Infrastructure initiative plans, by Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) of Singapore. And it's part of the nation 10 year master plan "Intelligent Nation 2015" which i will talk more about in my future post.

Well, thats enough of background information! let me tell you more about what it could provide you! Firstly, Wireless@SG provides wireless broadband access with speeds of up to 512 kbit/s for both outdoor & indoor user! And, do you know that it's free? The services are provided by QMax, iCell & Singtel.
Besides from getting 512 kbit/s as a basic-tier user. Users can pay to be a "Premium-tier" user if they require a bandwidth higher than  512 kbit/s or for higher quality service.

And Recently Smartphone and tablet users will have their surfing speeds doubled under new government plans. Users now also be able to access the network without having to sign in.

Tham, I. (2012, Aug 21), Wireless@SG surfing speed to be doubled, smoother access. Retrieved on 2012, November 22 from

Wikipedia (n.d.), Wireless@SG. Retrieved on 2012, November 22 from

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